Welcome to Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi
You are always welcome at our Arya Samaj Temple to get marry with legal marriage certificate. Marriage procedure is a very simple to know the procedure of arya samaj marriage follow the links below or contact to Shri Harveer Shastri on 8585988301. Beware Of Fake Temple Read More

What is arya samaj mandir for?
The Arya Samaj Mandir Burari is the venue for Arya Samaj marriage. The Mandir New Delhi has the reputable record of handling thousands of marriages, making it one of the best arya samaj mandir in Delhi and adjoining areas for this purpose.
With continued adherence to the essential tenets of the Arya Samaj Mandir Wedding and abiding by the law of the land, we carry out the whole procedure with traditional Vedic rituals.
There is also a Arya Samaj Mandir channel for Arya Samaj , which you can watch and like.
Our Arya Samaj Mandir upholds the tradition of simplicity of procedures and non-extravagance which is commonly associated with these marriages.
Whether it is the love marriage, arranged marriage or the inter-caste and inter-religion marriages, we serve you with the best of our services to help you bond with your beloved for a life-time.
Marriage From All Over India
Get Marriage from all over India in Arya Samaj Mandir Ghaziabad, Arya Samaj Mandir Noida, Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi, Arya Samaj Mandir Haryana, Arya Samaj Mandir Kashmiri Gate Delhi.
About Arya Samaj Mandir
Arya Samaj Mandir is the place where the Arya Samaj marriage takes place. Our temple has the reputable record of handling hundreds of Arya Samaj marriages, making it one of the prominent temples in Delhi and adjoining areas for this purpose.
With continued adherence to the essential tenets of the Arya Samaj Mandir Wedding and abiding by the law of the land, we carry out the whole procedure with traditional Vedic rituals.
Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi Arya Samaj Mandir Ghaziabad Arya Samaj Mandir Noida Arya Samaj Mandir Chandigarh Arya Samaj Mandir Haryana Arya Samaj Mandir Gurgaon
Frequently Asked Questions
आर्य समाज से कैसे जुड़ें ?
आर्य समाज से जुड़ने का सबसे आसान तरीका है आप किसी अपने नजदीकी आर्य समाज मंदिर में जाएँ और वहां के पुरोहित जी से संपर्क करें। प्रतिदिन आर्य समाज मंदिर में हवन होता है उसमे जाएँ। इसके बाद आप भी आर्य समाज से जुड़ सकते हैं।
Which is arya samaj mandir official website ?
Visit arya samaj mandir official website
Many websites of Arya Samaj are available on the internet. Mostly all Arya Samaj temples have their own website, that’s why when searching on the internet, many Arya Samaj websites are visible our arya samaj mandir delhi official website is https://aryasamajmandir.org.
How to get married in Arya Samaj Mandir ?
The procedure of marriage in Arya Samaj Temple according to Arya Samaj ritual is very simple. You may please contact Shri. Harveer Shastri on his mobile Nos.08585988301 09891065166 and get all the necessary information about the marriage procedures as per Arya Samaj rituals. You can book the marriage date on any day on Mobile or by personal visitation. You can get married in Arya Samaj Temple on any day because we do not observe any holiday. If you desire to visit and see the Temple before marriage ceremony, you are most welcome, and at the same time you can fulfill all your documentary requirements regarding the marriage during this visit.
What Is Arya Samaj ? Or Introduction Of Arya Samaj ?
The very purpose of interest, prosperity and growth of human beings, Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati started and important task, the Arya Samaj was created to carry forward the same Vision.Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati named this neworganisation ‘Arya Samaj. ‘ According to Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati the man who has high values, good nature, spiritual fervor , helping others and follows the truth is the real Arya. In the Vedas, there are many places where the words “Arya” and “Dasyu”have been used.The purposed of the life of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati’s was to free human beings from the bondage of false knowledge, false thoughts and superstition and bring them to the path of Truth. Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati established Arya Samaj with the sole purpose to liberate the Society from all kinds of superstition and caste system. Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati started Arya Samaj in 1875 in Mumbai.
What Is arya samaj mandir delhi address ?
This Arya Samaj Temple is located in North Delhi Area. We undertake the marriage ceremonies, worship and Havans. The well known surrounding locations of this Temple are: Wazirabad, Mukherjee Nagar and Delhi University (North Campus). In this Arya Samaj Temple, all facilities are readily available for marriage ceremonies and Havan puja. When anyone comes to our Arya Samaj Temple, Harit Vihar, for Love Marriage or an Arranged Marriage, we offer the Marriage Certificate to the couple immediately after the marriage is solemnized. This Marriage Certificate is valid almost all over India. Based on the Marriage Certificate issued by us, if you so desire, you can register your marriage with the office of the Registrar of Marriage.In case you want to arrange for a wedding feast in the Temple for your family, relatives and friends, after the marriage, then please first contact Shri Harveer Shastriji on his Mobile No. 08585988301. In our Arya Samaj Temple, Harit Vihar, Love Marriages, Arranged Marriages, Inter-caste Marriages and Inter-religion Marriages are performed.
Is Arya Samaj marriage not valid?
Arya samaj marriage is legally valid in all over India, An Arya Samaj marriage is valid as per the Arya Samaj Marriage Validation Act, 1937, and under the provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. After getting marriage in arya samaj get marriage certificate and register it in marriage registrar office and get marriage registration certificate. This is legally valid in all over India.
What Is Arya Samaj Contact ?
Specially contact for arya samaj mandir delhi fees, arya samaj mandir near you, list of registered arya samaj mandir in delhi, arya samaj mandir official website, arya samaj mandir delhi contact number, arya samaj mandir delhi address, arya samaj mandir marriage fees, arya samaj mandir for marriage near you.
Shri. Harveer Shastri on his mobile Nos.08585988301 09891065166
What is arya samaj mandir contact ?
Arya samaj mandir burari Delhi- Specially contact for arya samaj mandir delhi fees, arya samaj mandir near you, list of registered arya samaj mandir in delhi, arya samaj mandir official website, arya samaj mandir delhi contact number, arya samaj mandir delhi address, arya samaj mandir marriage fees, arya samaj mandir for marriage near you.
Shri. Harveer Shastri on his mobile Nos.08585988301 09891065166