Simple Procedure Of Court Marriage In Delhi

When modern era started in India complexities arose in our social-sphere, especially in matrimonial relationship; a citizen could not marry without the consent of parents. If anyone disobeyed his parents he was deprived of his ancestral property. To remove all these impediments Arya Marriage Act 1937 was passed and later it was merged into Hindu Marriage Act 1955.

Arya marriage is performed in a Arya samaj Temple according to ancient Vedic tradition. Every essential ritual is performed there, chanting Vedic mantras. But unnecessary or regional rituals are avoided in this process .After the performance of the marriage a certificate is issued to married couple. This certificate is supposed to be a religious, social and legal recognition of the matrimonial relationship of certain couple .It may serve as a legal document at several places. After getting this certificate a couple may not be deprived of its ancestral property.

Although the Arya Marriage Certificate is quite enough to prove the marriage moral and legal but to make in more effective there is a provision of registration in the court of an executive magistrate. Registration authorities differ in different states, in U.P SDM is authorized to do this job, but in Haryana Tahsildar does it. In Delhi marriage is registered in SDM’s office of that area. It is very easy to get registered the marriage after getting marriage Certificate from Arya samaj mandir. Actually presently the Arya marriage is performed after getting several legal documents and the certificate issued from mandir also looks a legal one.


Arya samaj mandir HaryanaFor getting marriage in Arya Samaj Mandir, you must have some documents as (1)Age proof certificate (2)Residence certificate, having completed all formalities related to documents . you can come with age proof certificate as High School certificate, Residence certificate, four Photos of boys and girls . You can come at any time for getting marriage with your marriage documents in our Arya Samaj Mandir, Harit Vihar in Delhi. Marriage, Havan, Pooja are performed in our Arya Samaj Mandir in the sevens days of the week. You can get marriage by the method of Arya Samaj Mandir,chiefly the documents of boy or girl age proof and their address are checked carefully for getting marriage in Arya Samaj Mandir. The age of boy is reacquired more than 21 years and the age of girl must be more than 18 years and both candidates must have also their respectably the age proof certificate and residence proof

On the behalf of you, after finishing to perfect these formalities, your marriage will be arranged by Pundit of Arya Samaj Mandir with the ceremony. Hindu customs and Vedic Mantras, after finishing the  marriage ceremony. Legal marriage certificate will be also given to you be by Arya Samaj Mandir which is legal all over India. you can registered  your marriage in the marriage Registrar office on the basis of legal Marriage certificate, A  certificate given by our Arya Samaj Mandir . In this way The procedure for getting marriage in Arya samaj Mandir is completed on behalf of Arya Samaj Mandir.

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