Real Arya Samaj Mandir

In our Arya Samaj Temple, Harit Vihar, Love Marriages, Arranged Marriages, Inter-caste Marriages and Inter-religion Marriages are performed. If you get married in our Arya Samaj Temple, then you can save yourself from all unnecessary problems and expenditures like: Tent, Band Party, Cooks, D.J. System, printing and distribution of wedding invitation cards, arrangement for peoples stay etc. ,because in our Arya Samaj Temple, the use of Band, D.J. System, horse etc. is absolutely prohibited.We have performed thousands of marriages so far at our Arya Samaj Temple. If you are planning to perform marriage or Havan worship at our Arya Samaj Temple, please contact Shri Harveer Shastri on his Mobile No. 08585988301. Our Arya Samaj Temple is located at Harit Vihar, Sant Nagar, Burari, Delhi 110084.

arya samaj mandir harit vihar

Marriage Procedure & Registration

The marriage ceremonies performed in Arya Samaj temples are usually devoid of elaborate rituals and are focused on the solemnization of the marriage contract between the bride and groom. For more information regarding the Marriage Registration, Court Marriage and Arya Samaj Temple, you may please contact Shri. Harveer Shastriji. You can book the marriage date on any day on Mobile or by personal visitation. You can get married in Arya Samaj Temple on any day because we do not observe any holiday.  If you desire to visit and see the Temple before marriage ceremony, you are most welcome, and at the same time you can fulfill all your documentary requirements regarding the marriage during this visit. Therefore, it’s advisable for the couple to contact the specific Arya Samaj institution where they wish to get married to get precise details about the marriage procedure and any documentation  requirements.

It’s important to note that Arya Samaj temples and their practices may vary slightly based on regional and cultural differences, as the movement has followers in various parts of India and other countries. If you are interested in visiting an Arya Samaj Mandir Burari Delhi or participating in any of their activities.

Arya Samaj Mandirs are known for conducting weddings, including inter-caste marriages, based on Arya Samaj principles that emphasize equality, simplicity, and social harmony. The marriage ceremonies performed in Arya Samaj temples are usually devoid of elaborate rituals and are focused on the solemnization of the marriage contract between the bride and groom. Besides weddings, Arya Samaj Mandirs also conduct various other religious and social events, such as Havan (fire rituals), havans (rituals involving offerings to the sacred fire), discourses on Vedic scriptures, and charitable activities to support the community.

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